The vast night sky

For Humanity Campaign Report 2022–2023

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Message from the President

At Yale, we aspire to improve the world. We aim to educate the next generation of leaders across disciplines, to conduct research that tackles society’s greatest challenges, and to contribute understanding and knowledge that enriches and advances humanity.

We dare to achieve so much because we are confident in the support of this incredible community of donors. With the generosity of Yale alumni, parents, and friends, we turn these goals into reality. Your belief in and support for our mission are the true spirit of the For Humanity campaign. Without you, none of this is possible.

With appreciation,

Placeholder signature image
President Peter Salovey ’86 PhD
Student taking a photo of Yale campus
View of earth from space

For Our World

Tackling the Greatest Issues of Today

From first-time gifts to the Yale Alumni Fund to endowment gifts to bequests, every For Humanity campaign contribution supports Yale’s mission to make the world a better place. The impacts of these gifts will be felt globally, as Yale faculty, students, and alumni work to solve the greatest problems facing humanity, uncover new insights, enlighten, and inspire.

Impact Stories

Driving the Clean Energy Transition

Driving the Clean Energy Transition

With donor support, the Yale Center for Business and the Environment launches a new summer program for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the clean energy field.
Mindy and Jonathan Gray P ’21, P ’24

Transforming Cancer Care Through the Microbiome

A generous donation has brought together an interdisciplinary group of Yale researchers to examine how the microbiome affects BRCA-related cancers.
An array of test tubes

New Gift Expands Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale

The Blavatnik Family Foundation, whose historic gift in 2016 helped create what has become Yale’s flagship life science accelerator, has made an additional $40 million donation.
An American flag waves on campus

Ensuring a Stronger Future for Political Institutions

Researchers at the Democratic Innovations program seek insights into political institutions.
David Geffen School of Drama students perform on stage

Setting the Stage for a New Dramatic Arts Facility

Donors are bringing a new center for the dramatic arts closer to reality.
Sunlit window in library stacks

LUX Lights the Way

Yale debuts a groundbreaking search tool spanning more than forty million records from Yale’s museum and library collections.
Student studying outside
Students studying in Kroon Hall

For Our Students

Impact Stories

Sterling Hall of Medicine

Expanding Access to Yale School of Medicine

A $25 million gift from The Starr Foundation brings YSM closer to becoming debt free.

Cultivating a Love for Science

For Anaa Andriyash ’26 PhD, Yale is fertile ground for pioneering lab research in molecular biology.
A watercolor by Claudia Carle

Supporting the Next Generation of Architects

A new scholarship fund moves Yale School of Architecture closer to a debt-free future.
Students at Yale Farm
Community of hands

For Our Community

Coming Together

Members of the Yale community supported the university in myriad ways this year. From volunteering and reuniting to attending For Humanity Illuminated events in five cities, Yale’s alumni, parents, and friends gathered for our shared purpose all year long.

Brushstroke design

Brett Zbar ’94

Brett Zbar
“Contributions to the Yale Alumni Fund have an instant impact, directing vital support to areas of utmost importance and making Yale accessible to students in need. I am so proud to be part of Yale’s longstanding tradition of giving back and collective efforts to do good.”
Brett Zbar ’94
Chair, Yale Alumni Fund Board of Directors
The vast night sky

Mallet Njonkem ’18

Njonkem Mallet
“Volunteering with the Reunion Gift Committee, I’ve fostered deeper bonds with classmates, celebrating our enduring tie to Yale. The potency of alumni-driven outreach is rooted in personalized communication, drawing from our shared journey. Giving back is my tribute to these invaluable memories, laying the foundation for Yale’s forthcoming generations.”
Mallet Njonkem ’18
Co-Chair, Class of 2018 Reunion Gift Committee
Brushstroke design

Chris McGowan & Sandy Wang P ’24

Chris McGowan and Sandy Wang P ’24
“It is our immense pleasure to support the undergraduate experience at Yale through philanthropy and volunteer service. Yale offers an exceptional educational experience, and we know that today’s students will go on to have a big impact in the world. We are proud to be part of this community.”
Chris McGowan & Sandy Wang P ’24
Chairs, Parents Leadership Council
Campaign Committee meeting candid

For Humanity Campaign Committee

The committee helps execute the fundraising and engagement strategies of the campaign and champions the impact that its success will make possible. Many members also lead regional and task-based groups composed of additional volunteers who serve as ambassadors for the campaign around the world.
YAF chair emeritus Randy Nelson and chair Brett Zbar pose for a Yale-themed photo

Alumni Fund Board of Directors

The board’s mission is to guide and support the fundraising programs of the Alumni Fund, Yale’s annual giving program, to raise unrestricted gifts for immediate use.
Parents Leadership Council meeting candid

Parents Leadership Council

These committed parents are ambassadors of the university, and they provide leadership support for Yale’s highest priorities.


Commitments: Annual Totals

Each year’s commitment total reflects gifts and new pledges received between July 1 and June 30.

Cash: Annual Totals

Each year’s cash total reflects gifts and pledge payments received between July 1 and June 30.

Commitments by Source

Individual donors, including alumni, parents, and friends, provided 64 percent of the giving total. Organizations, including corporations and foundations, provided 36 percent.
Other individuals
Other organizations

Commitments by Category: Endowment

Of $648.5 million in commitments, nearly $242 million was directed to Yale’s endowment, the key resource supporting professorships, scholarships, curriculum development, and other essential functions of the university. Yale’s spending and investment policies provide substantial levels of cash flow to the operating budget for current needs, while preserving endowment purchasing power for future generations.
Financial Aid
Research and Publications
Other Programs and Purposes
Other Categories*

*Other Categories includes Art and Library Acquisitions ($0.2M); Facilities and Maintenance ($0.05M); Teaching and Faculty Support ($1.1M).

Annual Giving

Reunion Giving

The Yale Endowment

The endowment contributed $1.75 billion to the university’s operating budget. This figure represents 34 percent of Yale’s net revenues. More than 37 percent of new gifts and pledges, or $241.9 million, were directed to the Yale endowment. With these gifts and a 1.8 percent investment return, the endowment’s value was $40.75 billion as of June 30, 2023.

Impact of Gifts to the Endowment

Since 1950, nearly 79 percent of the endowment’s value has derived from gifts and the investment performance on those gifts. Over the past twenty years, Yale’s endowment has significantly outperformed the median endowment, with annualized returns of 10.9 percent as of June 30, 2023.
1950 endowment without subsequent gifts (billions)
Actual endowment market value (billions)

Effect of Investment Performance on Gifts

Yale’s endowment performance multiplies the impact of your endowed gift. This chart shows the growth of a $100,000 scholarship over ten years in the Yale endowment as compared with the mean endowment performance of a broad universe of colleges and universities. Over the ten years ending June 30, 2023, a $100,000 scholarship at Yale would have grown to $281,213 exclusive of spending. With annual payouts, this same fund would have grown to $184,539 while also producing $63,141 to support students.
Yale Endowment
Mean of broad universe of colleges and universities
For Humanity

Thank You!