Rendering of Yale "Y" covered in windmills

Climate Science & Solutions

Tackling climate change requires wide-ranging solutions, from engineering to economics. At Yale, expertise and collaboration combine. Our researchers and scholars work together every day to address urgent issues of climate and biodiversity loss. Your gift in support of this vital work is an investment in our shared future.
Aerial view of New York City

Yale @ Climate Week NYC Highlights Ambitions and Challenges

Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture Takes Next Steps

For More Sustainable Cities

The Next Generation of Climate Leaders

Preserving the Oceans to Fight Climate Change

Climate Science & Solutions Yale Letters

Invest in Our Shared Future

You can help create a healthy future for our planet by supporting climate science and sustainability at Yale. Explore the many ways you can join with researchers and scholars to help make a difference.

For Humanity

Annual Gifts

Endowed Gifts

For Humanity Illuminated

Cities & Climate Solutions

Yalies gathered in New York City to hear from university scholars and professors working toward solutions for a more sustainable planet, and explore how cities can catalyze powerful climate solutions that promote more resilient, sustainable, prosperous, and equitable communities.

Read more and watch the full program.

More Climate Science & Solutions

Aerial view of Yale University

April 15, 2023

For a More Sustainable Campus

McCluskey legacy helps reduce Yale’s carbon footprint.
A flooded roadway

April 10, 2023

Changing the Climate Narrative

A grant from the Bezos Earth Fund supports research on climate communication.
Kroon Hall solar panels

July 5, 2022

Stewarding the Future at Yale School of the Environment

Two Yale School of the Environment professors, both endowed by the Knobloch Family Foundation, are already making an outsized impact in their respective fields.