While they are responsible for about 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the cities of the world may also hold the key to solving climate change. Cities are often resource and energy efficient and are sites of innovation and economic growth. As the populations of urban areas rise over the next decades, there is a lot that can be done to make the cities of the future more sustainable.
To help prepare environmental and urban professionals for the challenges ahead, the Yale School of the Environment and the Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability have launched a new certificate program in Urban Climate Leadership. The program is aimed at public, private, and nonprofit professionals—especially those from the Global South—committed to the work of building and adapting cities for a changing climate.
The certificate program was funded through the Three Cairns Climate Program for the Global South at YSE, which expands access to advanced education and training for qualified students and professionals committed to working to address climate change. This transformational program was established in 2022 with a historic gift to YSE from the Three Cairns Group.