An outright gift of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year is frequently the most attractive and economical way to give to Yale. You will have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now or funding a life income gift that benefits Yale later, while paying no capital gains on the securities you donate.
Please keep reading for information about how to give securities or mutual fund shares to Yale. It is important that you contact us as described below so that we can assist you with transfer instructions.
Stocks and Bonds
If you own securities in a brokerage account, we can help you set up an electronic transfer of the shares to our brokerage account. If you possess actual stock certificates, we can advise you how to sign the certificates over to us and fill out a stock power form.
Please notify your bank or broker that you are making a gift of securities to Yale and instruct your bank or broker to contact Donated Securities at 203.432.4107 or donated.securities@yale.edu for instructions. Please tell your bank or broker not to proceed until speaking with a representative at that office.
Mutual Funds and ETFs
Please contact Donated Securities at 203.432.4107 or donated.securities@yale.edu with information about your mutual fund shares. The procedure for transferring shares is established by the mutual fund company, and Donated Securities will be able to assist you with the appropriate letters of instruction.
Foreign Stocks
Please contact Donated Securities at 203.432.4107 or donated.securities@yale.edu to discuss gifts of foreign stock.