Using Lessons of the Past to Solve Financial Crises

Thanks to support from donors, the Program on Financial Stability at the Yale School of Management will continue to develop the New Bagehot Project, a comprehensive resource for financial crisis intervention.

Launched in 2017, the New Bagehot Project looks to the past to expand the financial crisis–fighting playbook for future policymakers. Curated by experts, the online platform provides detailed analyses and practical lessons drawn from specific interventions implemented throughout history and around the world.

The Yale School of Management raised $7.5 million dollars for the Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS), which will enable the completion of the New Bagehot Project’s body of case studies and surveys. The funding will also support related efforts at the YPFS to advance understanding of financial risk and refine crisis management tools and strategies.

Read more about the New Bagehot Project and the Yale Program on Financial Stability.

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