“After a many years’ absence, I moved back to New Haven and rediscovered the exciting educational enterprise that is Yale. I renewed my sense of gratitude for my time here,” said Steve Gurney ’55.
“I sometimes ask students why they chose Yale and what their experience has been. Most commonly they say they chose Yale because of the other students from around the world they expect to meet and live with. They talk about the friendships they form, or expect to. Many seem to be anticipating the words in Yale’s near anthem: ‘time and change shall naught avail to break the friendships formed at Yale.’ Those words seem to express the common Yale experience since ‘Bright College Years’ was first sung in 1881.
“I support Yale and its students. As I count my years past and consider those yet to come, I am grateful to Yale for my time there. The best and wisest way to express my gratitude is to leave Yale a bequest in my estate and create a charitable gift annuity designated for financial aid. For the annuity, I gave a gift to Yale, and in turn Yale pays me a 10.5% annuity rate in each of my remaining years. Yale’s annuity program also helped me with tax savings by providing a charitable deduction in the year that I made my gift. I know of no better fixed, rock-solid investment. At the same time, I help give a Yale education to students today and in the future.”