A student hugging their parent on graduation

Parents Annual Fund

Essential Support

Built on the generosity of current and past parents, the Parents Annual Fund is a vital resource for Yale College, supporting the core educational experience and providing the dean with the flexibility to create innovative new programs. Gifts to the Parents Fund strengthen financial aid, residential college life, and initiatives that advance teaching and learning.

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Bonnie Siegel and Ira Siegel P ’15, P ’23

Siegel family portrait
“As parents of a Yale graduate and a current Yale student, we have seen the tremendous impact of annual gifts from parents. From funding financial aid to building community in the residential colleges, gifts to the Parents Fund help create the exceptional educational experience that defines Yale. We hope you will join us in making a gift this year.”
Bonnie Siegel and Ira Siegel P ’15, P ’23
Chairs, Yale Parents Fund

Areas of Support

In giving to the Parents Annual Fund, parents of Yale College students provide immediate and flexible support for all aspects of a Yale education. You can direct your gift to one of three areas:


Unrestricted gifts to the Parents Fund help enhance the student experience, from academic mentoring at the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning to critical supports like SafetyNet, which provides funding for students facing unexpected financial hardship.

Financial Aid

The philanthropic support of parents and alumni fuel Yale College’s commitment to admitting the most qualified applicants regardless of their financial circumstances. A gift of $10,000 or more offers parents the opportunity to name a one-year Nathan Hale Associates scholarship for a current student.

Undergraduate Life

The residential college experience is the cornerstone of a Yale education, building community and setting the stage for transformative learning. Gifts to undergraduate life support campus-wide activities and co-curricular programs that allow students to explore and deepen areas of interest.


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